Tuesday, 15 January 2019

10 Of The Creepiest New Year Party Photobombs You Will Ever See

Every one of us always has some kind of guilty pleasures. Be it cheating on our keto diet or stalking our ex, it can be anything. My recent fave is photobombing. Yeah, you heard me right! When someone strikes a pose with the chin up and a wide smile for that perfect photograph and you just catch the ultimate chance to ruin it, gives an immediate adrenaline rush. And the fun-bar goes even higher during a social gathering or a party.

But it remains no more a pleasure when the fun becomes scary and you get photo bombed in the creepiest way. Have a look on some of the weird New Year’s photobombs!

1    1-  Partying can be scary too! It’s New Year’s Eve and you are partying with your friends and clicking abundant pictures and suddenly you realize a strange person, with a hoodie on, is staring you slyly. Holy freak! Who is he? A murderer or Lord Voldemort with a nose? *wink*

         2-  Not so funny Clown: Clowns are always funny. Right? No. Not always. They can be creepy too. Have a look at this clown who is trying to nudge amid this couple’s photo which is definitely not looking funny.

3  3-  The odd one out: This might be one of the commonest photo bomb that you would have come across many a time. This gang of friends is having a great time on laughing and spending a gala time with each other. They all look so happy. Wait! Did I say all? Well, I take my words back. The guy who is frenetically peeping from behind is looking very terrifying with his eyes wide opened.

4   4-  Not-so-romantic prom night: People in this picture are having a lovely time while dancing with their partners. And amid the ‘love is in the air’ feel, we spot a not-so-tender golden-haired guy with a very crooked smile gazing from behind. I don’t believe in ghosts. But don’t you think he is looking like one?

5   5- Roommates are not always lovely! These partner-in-crimes roommates are all set to meet their dates in their stunning look. The moment they decide to click a nice selfie, a head pops out from behind with a wide playful smile. And guess what? They get photo bombed!

6    6-  Uncanny cousin: Cousins are the first friends with whom we have a number of memories since childhood. This cousin’s squad is also having an insane fun time and they want to capture all their happy moments. But one of them rebels and ruins the picture with a very uncanny look.

7      7- Girl gang being trespassed! This girl gang is having a super awesome time at their pyjama party and suddenly they get intruded by an outsider. Howdy stranger! Do you want to be the part of this girl gang too? *lol*

8    8- Friend ruins it all! Male friends are usually responsible for taking perfect snaps of their female friends or else they will be shot dead. (Pun intended) But I guess this guy does not love his life and did the unforgivable sin of sullying the picture.

9     9- Ruining the hangover! The guy from behind is very unabashedly tarnishing the gang’s picture which would have turned out to be a sweet one. I think he is too much hungry and can eat all of them! (Pun intended)

  10-  Photobombs of Creepy boy! Well, not being judgmental but I think the guy intruding in the picture frame of these two adorable girls is into them or is planning to kidnap them. No idea AF!

Photobombing pictures are indeed mysterious along with giving us a moment of laughter. But some of them can turn out to be really weird like the aforementioned ones.

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